EXT4SRV(4)                                             EXT4SRV(4)

          ext4srv - ext4 file system

          ext4srv [ -Ss ] [ -f file ] [ -g groupfile ] [ -n srvname ]
          [ -r (2|3|4) ] [ -b blksize ] [ -I inodesize ] [ -L label ]

          Ext4srv is a file server that interprets the Linux Second,
          Third and Fourth Extended File Systems.  A single instance
          of ext4srv can provide access to multiple ext2, ext3 and
          ext4 partitions simultaneously.

          Ext4srv posts a file descriptor named srvname (default ext4)
          in the /srv directory.  To access an ext4 file system on a
          device, use mount with the spec argument (see bind(1)) the
          name of the file holding the raw ext4 file system, typically
          the disk or partition.  If spec is undefined in the mount,
          ext4srv will use file as the default name for the device
          holding the file system.

          Normally ext4srv creates a pipe to act as the communications
          channel between itself and its clients.  The -s flag
          instructs ext4srv to use its standard input and output
          instead.  This flag also prevents the creation of an
          explicit service file in /srv.

          By default, ext4srv will try to parse and use /etc/group
          file for permission checks, if available on the mounted
          filesystem.  The optional -g flag specifies Unix-format
          group file that gives the mapping between the numeric user-
          and group-ID numbers in the Extended file system and the
          strings reported by Plan 9 status inquiries.  The file is
          assumed to reside on the filesystem where ext4srv executable
          is running, not the one to be mounted.

          With -S option the filesystem can be mounted in "root" mode,
          allowing full access, regardless of permissions.

          With -r option the filesystem will be reamed - the old data
          erased and the file reformatted as specified.  An optional
          label can be specified with -L, block size (default is 4096
          bytes) with -b and inode size (default is 256 bytes) with


          Symlinks are not resolved.

     EXT4SRV(4)                                             EXT4SRV(4)

          There may be bugs - no refunds.

          Ext4srv first appeared in 9front (February, 2024).